Spazio arte contemporanea


In the heart of the town, a structure that belonged to Nicoletta’s great-grandfather, was transformed from a textile industry first to a tanning industry then, and finally restored as a cultural center to return what was donated from the territory to Candiani family for four generations.
“We do not get to choose in which family and community we are born, but they assume a fundamental and meaningful role in our personal journey. We feel at home only where we allow our roots to sink in, and mine have been inextricably anchored to Rocecchetto for the last four generation ” Nicoletta says, adding “I could not imagine choosing a different place for this ambitious project”


SAC propone al pubblico corsi formativi di diverse discipline artistiche.

The structure

With a 1.400 square meters area and exhibitions and labs settings, SAC wants to give the chance of unlimited expression to talented contemporary artists, allowing them to carry out personal projects. Public involvement in contemporary art projects is fundamental in order to let persons approach the various aspects of today art.

Nel cuore del paese, una struttura appartenuta al bisnonno di Nicoletta, fondatrice di SAC, viene trasformata da realtà industriale prima tessile e poi conciaria in un punto di incontro per restituire al territorio ciò che da esso è stato donato per quattro generazioni alla famiglia Candiani.